Arte Ilay
Arte Ilay Alpenglow Painting
Product Information: Acrylic abstract work on thick border canvas Dimension: 90 x 80 cm Note: Ships unframed, with edges retouched and varnished.
Arte Ilay Cycle No.01 Painting
Product Features: Acrylic paint on canvas, oil and powder pastel, dry paint abstract work Product Size: 65x130 cm Note: Ships unframed, with edges retouched and varnished.
Arte Ilay Cycle No.02 Painting
Product Features: Acrylic paint on canvas, oil and powder pastel, dry paint abstract work Product Size: 65x130 cm Note: Ships unframed, with edges retouched and varnished.
Arte Ilay EverGreen Painting
Product Information: It is worked on a thick canvas stretched back using acrylic paint, acrylic pen, dry pencil and oil powder pastel. Dimension: 60 x 85 cm Note: Ships unframed, with edges retouched and varnished.
Arte Ilay Fıelds Painting
Product Features: Acrylic abstract work on thick-edged canvas Product Size: 130x130 cm Note: It is sent unframed, with edges retouched and varnished.
Arte Ilay Groundbreak II Painting
Product Features: Acrylic abstract work on thick canvas stretched on the back Product Size: 110 x 80 cm Note: It is sent unframed, with edges retouched and varnished. Note: The price is valid for 1 Groundbreak II Painting in the first image.
Arte Ilay Icy Shores No.02 Painting
Product Information: Acrylic paint on canvas, oil and powder pastel, dry paint abstract work Dimension: 60 x 85 cm Note: Ships unframed, with edges retouched and varnished.
Arte Ilay Ocenia No.01 Painting
Product Information: It is worked on a thick canvas stretched back using acrylic paint, acrylic pen, dry pencil and oil powder pastel. Dimension: 60 x 85 cm Note: Ships unframed, with edges retouched and varnished.
Arte Ilay Ocenia No.02 Painting
Product Information: Acrylic paint on thick-edged canvas, oil and powder pastel, acrylic pen, dry paint work Dimension: 60 x 85 cm Note: Ships unframed, with edges retouched and varnished.
Arte Ilay Polar Paintings
Product Information: Acrylic abstract work on thick border canvas Dimension: 90 x 80 cm Note: Ships unframed, with edges retouched and varnished.
Arte Ilay Terra I Painting
Product Features: Acrylic paint on thick canvas stretched on the back Product Size: 70 x 90 cm. Note: It is sent unframed, with edges retouched and varnished. Note : The price is valid for 1 Terra I Painting in the first image.
Arte Ilay Terra II Painting
Product Features: Acrylic paint on thick canvas stretched on the back Product Size: 70 x 90 cm. Note: It is sent unframed, with edges retouched and varnished. Note : The price is valid for 1 Terra II Painting in the first image.